Facing Fear

Healing Earth

Our Current Spiritual Crisis and Practice

In this post, I want to share an article by Norman Fischer.  This article addresses the relationship between spiritual practice and morality.  In addition, it discusses the possibility of healing our relationship with the Earth, and with one another.

I’m motivated to share Norman’s article because I think we live in extremely challenging, if not downright crazy times. Our fellow Americans are increasingly divided into ideologically waring camps. They face off along ever widening political, cultural, and economic fault lines.  So much so, in fact, that some of us feel right and  free to demonize those on “the other side” as “down right evil” and beyond redemption.

Continue reading Our Current Spiritual Crisis and Practice

Mother Child Tiger

Seeds of Peace

Seeds of peace grow peace, which plants seeds of peace.Ben Connelly

Getting Real About Spirituality

“Many people try to find a spiritual path where they do not have to face themselves but… we have to be honest with ourselves. We have to see our gut, our real shit, our most undesirable parts… That is the foundation of… conquering fear. We have to face our fear; we have to look at it, study it, work with it, and practice meditation with it.”
Chögyam Trungpa, Smile at Fear: Awakening the True Heart of Bravery

Once, long, long ago, a large group of monks settled down for the three-month rainy- season retreat in a beautiful forest in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Continue reading Seeds of Peace