Practice Buddha

Practice You at Your Best, Practice Buddha

Did you ever practice Buddha? Maybe you did without knowing it. Actually, I think you probably practice Buddha more often than you give yourself credit for.

If you’ve ever forgiven someone who’s harmed you, or tried, and failed, yet then finally understood someone who at first seemed so off-putting that you could barely stand to be near them, then you’ve touched and manifested an awakened part of yourself.  If you’ve ever shared a kindness with a stranger, then you’ve enjoyed, and shared,  a taste of the Buddha in you.

The Buddha, the Awakened One, is not so far away.

Learning to more easily let go, to more readily forgive, and to take more interest in others is part of what we learn in Buddhist practice. We learn to meditate, and slow down, so we can grow in mindfulness.  This helps us grow the Buddha seed that already exists in each and every human heart/mind.

Practicing Buddha is learning to give the awakened qualities in our selves a chance to more fully manifest.  It is that simple.

Thich Nhat Hanh puts it this way,

“’The Buddha’ is just a name for the most understanding and compassionate person it’s possible to be. You may call it something else if you wish, like wisdom or God. We can breathe, smile, and walk in such a way that this person in us has a chance to manifest.”

You’re a person.

Wouldn’t you like to be the most compassionate person you can be? Doesn’t the world need the most compassionate person you can be now more than ever?  If so, why not practice Buddha.

Ajahn Chah liked to put this teaching this way,

“It is not that the Buddha entered final nirvana long ago and cannot teach us now. The Buddha nature, which means our own minds when clear knowledge has arisen, will lead us to investigate and know all dharmas.

“This knowing of the dharma is the Buddha himself.

“If we establish Buddha in our hearts, having this awareness and sensitivity, then as we go on investigating, we will see all things as no different from ourselves.

“Living creatures, plants, and animals, poor people and those in difficulty, rich people, dark—or light-skinned people are no different from us, because all of them are of the same characteristics.

“With this understanding, wherever we stay, we will be content and at ease. The Buddha will be there, constantly instructing and assisting us.” ~Ajahn Chah

Just be the Buddha!

If we had no awakened qualities to begin with, how could anyone ever Awaken? Since you have these qualities, why not grow them?

“Our practice, the awakening that allows us to see our own self-centeredness and let go of it, is Buddha.” ~Shohaku Okumura writing on Dogen Zenji’s Genjokoan

The photo is by Juan Pablo Rodrigue.


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We’re located in historic Gloucester on Cape Ann. Cape Ann is about 40 miles up the coast from Boston on the North Shore of Massachusetts.


The steeple on the left in the photo is on the Gloucester UU Church.  That’s where we meet.

May your life go well!